Thursday, August 16, 2007


I'm just listening to an old episode of Coast to Coast AM from 12/4/2006 with Matthew Alper. He wrote a book called The God Part of the Brain. George asked him what if God put that part into the brain so we would be hard wired to believe. Alper's response was: What kind of god would do such a bad job hard wiring us that we would all believe in different things and feel compelled to kill each other over it? He asked why we would want to worship something like that; he would feel sorry for that entity. Here's the line that got me: "Poor retarded god in the sky." Nearly crapped myself laughing at that one.

I've uploaded part of the show here:

The quote's at about 28 minutes in.

1 comment:

tardWrangler said...

I read through that back at Buley I think after hearing him on C2C one night myself.

I always loved the concept of God being a falable being. All of these things people attribute to God just being mistakes makes me feel better. Like as hard as some people try down here to get shit right he's trying just as hard up there. It makes the idiots who shott each other oveer it all that more ridiculous.

I love Old Testament God. Angry, vengeful, drowns his mistakes in floods and digs chicks. Totally my kind of God.