Monday, September 24, 2007

So who wants to stand in a midnight line with me?

I'm doing it. I'm going to stand in line at midnight for Halo 3. I figure I've fought the hype for virtually every other instance of hype so I may as well give it the old Russian bread-line try and line myself up at the ghetto GameCrazy and watch out for Bloods presence.

If it looks like I wont get my ass kicked by a flurry a ghetto grade schoolers I'll take a picture or so of the would-be mayhem.


DMc said...

Oh no, did I miss it? I wanted to ride by and throw tomatoes.

tardWrangler said...

Tomatoes? This is why we need to get you a pistol permit.

It wasnt too bad. Most people arroved after midnight so the line I got in wasnt very long.

The crowd was about 1/3 ghetto kids, 1/3 Yalies and the final third were young kids with their parents and one really angry hispanic guy in front of me in line. I though I was going to have to shoot him. He kept yealling and swearing and pushing people. The register in our line had to be rebooted just 2 customers in front of this angry guy and he started shouting "I paid in full just give me what's mine" and "You dont know me? Everyone knows me!"

Very few appeared to be under the age of 21, quite a few seemed to be over 30 and some over 50.

I was in line about half an hour talking with people behind me (until they started in on comics and obscure movies) and worrying about the angry guy in front of me (who I am still worried about). Everyone got a free bottle of Halo Mountain Dew. I was pleased with its gimmicky nature but upset by its taste.