Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Listen to your friends. They know stuff and junk.

You were dead on about those god awful wafers. They should have put a box of those in front of the pretty boys competing in Fear Factor.

I like to think that a belly full of Chinese buffet contributed to my disgust but I have to admit that even if starving those things would have tasted like poison ass. Poison fart-filled rancid ass with leaking sores all over.

The smell alone was horrible and spread through the air just as quickly and aggressively as you described. It was like a scene from some biological horror movie. I took the first (and only) bite out on the balcony because I felt the threat of vomit was not only real but inevitable.

When I bit into the wafer there was sort of cold rush of air that came out and forced itself down my throat carrying with it a concentrated dose of the rancid funk that had already made me queasy from a distance. This full on and direct assault was too much. In an instant I choked back the light vomit that rose into my mouth and completed the bite separating a section of the wafer and chewed once, twice, felt vomit rising again and spit it out before the action of puking forced it out. I threw the rest of the wafer across the parking lot and immediately felt intense shame.

Later that night I kept being woken by dreams of the moment the first bite sent the evil demon funk down my throat. It was all I saw and smelled and tasted when I closed my eyes. It must have been some sort of PTSD related trauma.

I wish they didn't smell so bad so they could be kept around for parties or given as gifts but the odor is really too much of a tell like the nuclear bright blues and yellows of poison dart frogs.

1 comment:

DMc said...

Can you still smell it?

I kind of want to go back to the Chinese grocery to buy all they have left to use as some kind of weapon.