Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Huckabee breeds douche-bags and is a Bible-thumping fuck

Apparently this cockbite isn't as compassionate as the good lord wants us to believe.

Nothing pisses me off more than this shit. Note the resemblance to Michael Skakel.


DMc said...

That's a serial killer in the making, right there.
Imagine if Huck wins and the son shows up at the coronation wearing the skins of his victims.

tardWrangler said...

I don't like this recent Huckabee popularity thing. It makes me think that this psycho-religious sect of the Republican party is an awful lot bigger than I ever gave it credit for and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Or maybe it just seems this way because real Republicans like Paul, Tancredo, Poe, Hunter, and hell Zell Miller was more of a Republican than these jack-offs seem to be today.

But I guess since the white trash in the bible belt want big government handouts as well as big-god legislation the candidates have to pander to it.

Do the trailer dwelling bible thumpers really have such a valuable vote? That's sad.

To become president you have to appeal to the worst of both parties.

Where's Jefferson and his 25 year revolution cycle when we need it?

DMc said...

The story will be in next week's Newsweek:

Gotta make up a Zombie Jefferson '08 t-shirt.