Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A modest solution to the ineptitude of the NHPD and the publics fear of the EPDP

Now I'm not wiling to leave my job for a serious cut in pay and benefits to serve as a police officer but I wouldn't mind helping.

James City, VA
Charlton, MA
Niagara, NY
Des Plaines, IL

I'm pretty sure New Haven is a bit larger and a bit more crime riddled than Niagara, NY and
Charlton, Ma.

But not like this:

New York, NY

After all whats the point of restricting the use deadly force for those who have to deal with, well, deadly force?


DMc said...

I'll make sure to keep out of your way if I see you wearing a fake beard.

Is there really much of a difference between an auxiliary police force and a neighborhood watch with guns? I think part of the objection is that the established police force doesn't seem to care about this area, so the locals feel like they need to do it on their own. If it were an official thing, it wouldn't really allay that worry.

tardWrangler said...

I think you'd see the worry flip. There is a group of people who are afraid of citizens with guns because they believe the police uniform denotes a higher level of training and ability. There is also a group who sees the uniform and immediately feels, 'oh now, here comes uselessness with a badge.'

Which one to embrace depends on which opinion is held by the majority of the population. If pacifying the public is the goal.

Also, more people involed in policing affairs who arent in the system lock and stock may motivate the sytem to better perform. It's hard to retain the status quo and union control when outsiders start coming in faster than they can be turned toward the system.