Monday, September 17, 2007

Ben grabs the Indie life preserver when he shouldve just drowned.

What's this? Ben wishes to attend the "I AM Festival?"

Has the whole world gone insane? Has the 7th seal been torn open?

Will Ben purchase from the self proclaimed indie craft fair? Will he provide a booth of his own and sell the indie crafts he has no doubt been locked away in his room perfecting all these years?

I don't know what upsets me more. Losing Ben to the indie kids he should be too old to lose himself too or that he approached me with an offer to purchase my soul. I feel so unclean. I have been offered crack, heroin, fat-girl sex and homo sex and neither has made my skin crawl with as many bugs as Ben's thoroughly indecent proposal has.

The dirt just won't come off.

Over the weekend I got dragged off to a gallery opening and was told while in attendence to "open up." Against my better judgement I held my tongue and for that I will never forgive myself. There are forces at work to push me over the edge I tell you. Dark, limp-wristed forces wearing girls pants.

1 comment:

DMc said...

Ben don't know from indie. I AM means nothing to him. He just wants to see MC Chris. If you told him is was bound to be populated by douchebags with sparrow tattoos I'm sure he'd... well, probably still want to go to look at the girls.